2015 Aralık ayında gerçekleştirdiğimiz Asya gezimizin ikinci yarısını Kuzey Tayland’a ayırdık. Gezimizin ilk yarısına ait...
140 Karakterde Dijital Mart
140 Karakter isimli bu bölümde her ay öne çıkan teknoloji başlıklarını “140 Karakter”lik lokmalar şeklinde paylaşıyoruz.
Google Analytics Akış Raporlarındaki Güncellemeler | Web Analitiği http://www.webanalitigi.com/google-analytics-akis-raporlarindaki-guncellemeler/
Çeşitli etkinliklerde yapmış olduğum Google Analytics sunumlarına ve eğitim videolarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. http://www.webanalitigi.com/sunumlar/
http://www.google.com/analytics sitesinin değişen yeni arayüzünü inceleyin. Size web analitiğini sevdirecek.
Dönüşüm odaklı ölçümleme yapma, web analitiği dünyasının önümüzdeki dönemlerde konuşalacak en önemli kavramı olacak.
Google Analytics ile Sosyal Medya Ölçümlemesi | Web Analitiği http://www.webanalitigi.com/google-analytics-ile-sosyal-medya-olcumlemesi/
Dergilerde keşke bir de ctrl+f fonksiyonu olsa (isim indeksi gibi).
Chrome Web Mağazası Türkiye’de açıldı! http://google-tr.blogspot.com/2012/03/chrome-web-magazas-turkiyede-acld.html?spref=tw
Speech to text teknolojisinin soyadımı doğru yazabileceği gün benim için teknoloji nirvanasına ulaşacaktır.
Analytics ile sosyal ölçümleme için ufak bir taktik: URL Builder ile sosyal kampanya trafiğinizi, yönlendirme trafğinden ayrıştırabilisiniz.
Social reports Google Analytics’te zaten mevcuttu. Multi-channel Funnels ile müthiş sosyal ölçümlemeler yapabiliyorduk.
Bütün Analytics sunumlarında sürekli tekrarladığım “hedef oluşturun” vurgusunu Avinash şöyle yapmış:
Google Maps is now available for 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES)
New Nielsen ratings standardizes ratings for television and online ads. http://nyti.ms/FPubiW
Could the way of presenting be changed with augmented reality? Watch this amazing TED video:
Analytics is only valuable when taking the broader context into account. http://pinterest.com/pin/199425089719672182/
BlackBerry maker RIM says it will return to focus on business clients and employees who buy phones for work http://gu.com/p/36h52/tw
3D graphs in Google search.
What is it like to ‘drive’ a Google self driving car?
#twitter may be randomly unfollowing people you fully intended to follow. Details of the bug: https://support.twitter.com/groups/32-something-s-not-working/topics/133-top-issues/articles/20169379-trouble-with-following
Eight-year olds will never know what a PC is; in their eyes, an Apple iPhone and the iPad is the computer.
89% of the visits to the advertiser’s site from ad-clicks are not replaced by organic clicks when search ads are paused http://pinterest.com/pin/199425089719646446/
Monitor your Website Uptime with Google Docs – Tutorial http://onu.rs/HbqO7C
Take a train through the Swiss Alps with Street View… http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2012/03/take-train-through-swiss-alps-with.html?spref=tw
Surprise: Search for [binary], [octal] or [hexadecimal]. Google writes the number of results using that numeral system. http://pic.twitter.com/L0ylyJqZ
The future of mobile: In a few years, the number of mobile devices will DWARF the number of PCs. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-future-of-mobile-deck-2012-3?utm_source=twbutton&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sai
You can now compare two date ranges for Flow Visualization reports. http://analytics.blogspot.com/2012/03/better-insights-with-flow-visualization.html
Chrome overtook Microsoft’s Internet Explorer to become market leader globally for the first time last Sunday http://reut.rs/GDI5CY
A very important step into social media tracking: New set of Social reports within Google Analytics has been launched! http://analytics.blogspot.com/2012/03/capturing-value-of-social-media-using.html
Apple’s decision to pay the dividend is an extraordinary one for a company that is growing more like a start-up. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/technology/apple-to-use-cash-for-stock-dividend-and-buyback.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all%3Fsrc%3Dtp&smid=fb-share
Europe Tops US in Mobile Ad Response Rates http://po.st/RgX5jY
Advertising is about one thing: happiness – Opportunities for Mobile Operators http://pulse.me/s/76OUp
Paid search ads give you an 89% incremental lift in site visitors. http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2012/03/search-ads-pause-studies-update.html
Introducing Google Play: All your entertainment, anywhere you go http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/introducing-google-play-all-your.html
20% of worldwide trending topics are stemming from Turkey’s agenda. http://pic.twitter.com/bNzwrOkJ