2015 Aralık ayında gerçekleÅŸtirdiÄŸimiz Asya gezimizin ikinci yarısını Kuzey Tayland’a ayırdık. Gezimizin ilk yarısına ait...
140 Karakterde Dijital Nisan
140 Karakter isimli bu bölümde her ay öne çıkan teknoloji baÅŸlıklarını “140 Karakter”lik lokmalar ÅŸeklinde paylaşıyoruz.
Çok başarılı bir YouTube campaign örneği. Dersler çıkarılmalı:
Dün geceki internet kesintisi, Anonymous ve RedHack saldırılarını durdurmak için yapılmış. http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25344202
İnternet servis sağlayıcılar savaşına şahit oluyoruz şu anda sosyal medyada. Tarihi bir gündür.
Marka dünyası vahşi doğa belgeselleri veya tarih kitapları gibi. Düşene kimse acımıyor. Ve yeni krallıklar kuruluyor hemen.
Bizde hala internet koparken dünyanın bir baÅŸka yerinde… – 450 milyon yaşındaki esrarengiz canlı – Fosilbilim http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25344127/
Google Analytics Social Media Dashboard kullanmak isteyenler buyursunlar:Â https://www.google.com/analytics/web/sharing#sharing/a20898904w41407109p41256010/%3F_.objectId%3D3ZXrHtk1RoebvZOtqFA2ag%26_.sharingType%3Dpermalink%26_.objectType%3Ddashboard
Mahkemeler yayın yasağı getiriyor ya, dijital ekosisteme nasıl konuşma yasağı getirecekler?
Mobil sitelerin yüklenme hızınının desktop sitelere göre çok daha düşük olduğu bir dünya fırsatlar dünyasıdır.
Tüm sitelerin %56’sı Google Analytics kullanıyor. Google Analytics’in “web analitiÄŸi” araçları arasındaki pazar payı ise %82.3
@PfizerTurkiye dijital Ä°K uygulamaları konusunda güzel iÅŸler yapıyor: Pfizer’den LinkedIn’e özel kariyer platformu http://mediacatonline.com/Home/HaberDetay?haberid=55077
Sosyal Medya’yı Analytics ile ölçümlemeye baÅŸladık. http://www.webanalitigi.com/google-analytics-ile-sosyal-medya-olcumlemesi/ Sıra geldi veriyi youmlamaya:
Instagram alternatifi servisler için de fırsatlar büyük Android app lansmanı ve Facebook satın alımı sonrası. Niye mi? http://www.google.com/insights/search/#q=delete%20instagram%20account&date=today%201-m&cmpt=q
Son dakika: Facebook Instagram’ı $1 Billion’a satın aldı. http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/09/facebook-to-acquire-instagram-for-1-billion/
Android’e gelen Instagram uygulaması 24 saatten kısa bir sürede 1 milyon kez indirildi. http://thenextweb.com/mobile/2012/04/04/instagram-for-android-hits-1m-downloads-in-under-24-hours/
Çok uzun zamandır beklenen e-mail ve PDF rapor paylaşımı Google Analytics yeni sürüme geldi! http://analytics.blogspot.com/2012/04/share-reports-by-email-and-export-to.html
Analytics takimina yakismis. Muhtesem: Visitors coming from the moon bounced 6 times higher than those from earth. http://analytics.blogspot.com/2012/04/interplanetary-reporting-comes-to.html?spref=tw
Last-Click Attribution Models Give Marketers Incomplete Picture – eMarketer http://po.st/mR96Mg
Planet earth was once populated by humans, then…
The 10 coolest tech devices to bring to work. – My favourite is this one: Â http://www.infoworld.com/slideshow/43205/the-10-coolest-tech-devices-bring-work-191326#slide3
One of the best doodles ever!
People spend an average 7.8 hours a month gaming on their iPhones. http://pinterest.com/pin/199425089719770171/
When the last Summer Olympics began in 2008, Facebook was a relative baby, at just 100 million users. http://pinterest.com/pin/199425089719770156/
A $300 iPad Mini is coming this fall? http://www.businessinsider.com/uh-oh-apple-may-be-making-a-smaller-ipad-the-one-steve-jobs-hated-2012-4?utm_source=Triggermail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=10%20Things%20In%20Tech%20You%20Need%20To%20Know&utm_campaign=Post%20Blast%20%28sai%29%3A%2010%20Things%20You%20Need%20To%20Know%20This%20Morning
The page load time of news sites is 2x slower than shopping and beauty sites.
The page load time in Japan is nearly 2x faster than Spain and Italy.
Google Analytics is used by 55.9% of all the websites, that is a traffic analysis tool market share of 82.3%. http://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/traffic_analysis/all
How to measure if social media marketing is working for you:Â http://www.christopherspenn.com/2012/04/how-to-measure-if-social-media-marketing-is-working-for-you/#.T45tcatYuZV
Some numbers – Instagram: $1 billion. LinkedIn: $10 billion. Twitter: $8 billion. Pinterest: $7.7 billion. http://www.forbes.com/sites/thestreet/2012/04/16/pinterest-is-a-7-7-billion-company/
World is digitizing: The Huffington Post – online-only daily news website – won its first Pulitzer Prize. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/9208237/Huffington-Post-wins-first-Pulitzer-Prize.html
A case for analytics: If you’re not measuring, you’re not marketing! http://bit.ly/JiVXD6
How is Social Data valued? How much is a tweet worth? About 1/400 as much as a FourSquare check-in http://pinterest.com/pin/199425089719730017/
Today we’re introducing a more functional and flexible version of Google+ http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/toward-simpler-more-beautiful-google.html
57% of Twitter bios state that the person is ‘founder’ of something or other.
What about Instagram made it worth a $1B acquisition by Facebook? http://www.quora.com/Instagram/What-about-Instagram-made-it-worth-a-1B-acquisition-by-Facebook?srid=OQY
Instagram has agreed to be acquired by Facebook http://blog.instagram.com/post/20785013897/instagram-facebook
This is how to revolutionize the world. Project Glass by @google
Today, more and more marketers are turning to Marketing Attribution. A very important report for resource allocators:http://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/marketing_attribution_whitepaper.pdf
Information is powerful, but it is how we use it that will define us
Share reports by email and export to PDF: now live in the new Google Analytics http://goo.gl/7WUgM
One of the best – Introducing Jargon-Bot for Google Apps: translating business jargon into plain English http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2012/04/introducing-jargon-bot-for-google-apps.html?spref=tw